The 1st Three Weeks


Our arrival back to Africa has been joyous. Reuniting with friends, a joy to our souls.
Ministry is fruitful, challenging 
{in a healthy and exciting way}
Because I Meehan am continuing to train for abortion counseling and exploring opportunities to serve BabySafe clients through photography. Daniel is exploring  ways to pioneer University campus ministry as well as spending more time in another new township.
Together, Daniel and I are excited for the things God is going to do in this season in an area where both of our hearts have grown for prayer and intercession.
Practically What does that look like?
 Which is ONE way you can Remember to pray throughout the week for us: 
Because we are making it a priority to worship the Lord, cover our ministry in prayer, our friends, our disciples, All Nations , our future and anything else on God's heart.
Because It has come to our attention
 { don't you just love the holy Spirit?} 
 that the Father wants to do MUCH more through the church { us }  as we stand together in 
As the word says

 "One can put a thousand to flight two, 10,000"
"... a chord of three is not easily broken"
" when two or more are gathered in my name, there am I among you"

THE conclusion:
God LOVES unity and he LOVES when his people are of one mind ,
 one heart 
one accord 
when it comes to His plans and purposes.

Please join us in prayer and worship on TUESDAY mornings and lets see how much heaven we can bring down to earth!

Our Father in heaven
blessed be your name,
your kingdom come your will be done 
on earth as it is in heaven 
Give US this day OUR daily bread
 and forgive us our trespasses
 as we forgive those who trespass against us
and lead us into into temptation 
but deliver us from the evil one. 
For yours is the kingdom 
the glory and power 

1 comment:

  1. we pray on monday evening, your early tuesday morning so we (aunt Sue, Dad and I ) will usher in that day of prayer with you.
