Why We Are In The USA Right Now...

Some of you may be a little confused as to why we are living in the United States right now after living the past 2 1/2 years in Africa.  to make a long story short, we are taking a bit of a breather (sabbatical) to enjoy the birth of our son, start off strong as a family and to seek the Lord on how we go forward from here. I wouldn't say that this move was necessarily a part of our plan but we are very grateful that we have landed here at this time mainly because our being here allowed us to catch the complications that threatened Ryder before he was born. Now, to be able have the best pediatric doctors in the world oversee Ryder's bump on his head is an additional reason that we are so thankful to live here right now. When we think of being in Africa, or even YWAM in Hawaii, we cringe not knowing if things would have gone the way they have. We are VERY grateful.
 In the mean time, I Daniel, have plenty of teaching opportunities that I'm wading through for the next several months and will also be running a church planting course with my best friend right here in Denver! I'm also taking the opportunity of this season to write about many of the things I have seen and learned from my 12 years of experience in missions. Doing this has been on my heart for a long time and I have been encouraged by many people to try and write a book.
Although Meehan is definitely focused on being a mom right now, I know her heart is to take steps back into public relations for Baby Safe, raising funds, awareness, and multiplication for this organization that has grabbed our hearts. She is also very excited to try and finish a couple of courses   to finish her teaching degree.
 All that to say, we are very thankful for this 'forced break' and we feel very responsible to so many of you who support us financially and prayerfully. We appreciate those of you who have encouraged us to take this time for the health and establishment of our new family.

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