God Bless Tibet

God Bless China

God Bless India

 God Bless Bhutan        

 .....and GOD BLESS THE U.S.A!!!!

So often we are thankful for the nations of the world God has brought us to; We Pray that they would know Jesus and come into a loving relationship with Him.
Today, we are especially grateful for our own country, we bless her in prayer andpray that God would "stand beside her, and guide her through the night with a light from above!"
Each year, we become increasingly thankful for the land we call home.  
As we see how the rest of the world lives, it moves us to a deeper sense of gratitude. Therefore, we pray that God would truly bless our beautiful America this year with revelation of his loving-kidness towards her. 
Thank you God for the freedoms we have as American citizens and thank you for our beautiful country, the foundation of truth on which it is built and may she return to the fullness of the plan you have for her 
in Jesus name we ask these things.